Monday, August 25, 2008

She Loves Auntie's Camera...

She loves it NOT!!

Remember the Jayden that used to love Auntie Kristen and her camera? If you don't remember, check out the posting from August 2nd (way down on the bottom of the screen)... such GORGEOUS pictures of this adorable girl that I absolutely love to follow around with my camera!!

Unfortunately for me, that adorable girl has decided to go on "Auntie Kristen Camera Hiatus"... seriously. We spent four days at a cabin and I thought I'd be in photo heaven--- Jayden had other ideas!! Anytime I was around with the camera, she wouldn't even remotely look my way, no matter how slick I tried to be in trying to get her to look at me. The few times she did actually look close to my direction, she made the saddest face at me.

Here it is...

Isn't that BEAUTIFUL!

So, even though she's temporarily decided that she doesn't want me to take any pictures of her (at least I HOPE it's temporary!), luckily I can still manage to get a good one or two of her anyway, because she's just so darn cute!!


Anonymous August 28, 2008 at 1:23 PM  

What an expression! At least she didn't give you the Grandpa Jack look!!!

Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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