Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blurry Pictures

I've been doing this blog for six weeks now, and for that entire six weeks, I've been irritated that my pictures tend to be blurry when I post them, even though they aren't when I look at them in my editing program.

I've kind of ignored the problem until today, and I am now *extremely happy* to report that I have figured out what I was doing wrong (with help!), and from this point forward I shouldn't have any blurry photos on my blog! (Unless I'm purposefully posting a blurry picture to be artistic or as part of a blog challenge, etc).

So, I've fixed all of the postings that were posted in September, and I plan to fix all of them eventually--- I just can't stand having blurry pictures on here when I know they were never blurry to begin with! Now that I know how to fix it, I just can't leave the old ones the way they are... It's incredible how much better the photos look now! And this is how they've always looked in my editing program, so I'm happy to finally be able to really show you guys what they really do look like (and not just show you a slightly blurry version). That makes me really happy.

Here's a picture I took in Hawaii (since I can't post without a picture!!)


Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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