Monday, September 15, 2008

A Cute Little Peanut

I was lucky to have the opportunity to take some pictures last weekend of this cute little peanut....

She's 4 months old, and has a beautiful head of dark hair!!

Now, keep in mind, I'm still learning all this stuff (and teaching myself as I go, which isn't easy!)

I am not a professional photographer, nor anything close to that... I don't have any fancy equipment other than my camera and photo-editing software and a few fuzzy pieces of fabric to lay little ones on. (I do, however, have a photography-related wish list that is seriously A MILE LONG!!)

So, that said, it's really great to have friends and family that will let me practice some skills on their children! I feel like I learn something every single time I take pictures, so each experience is completely valuable.

Thanks, Sara, for letting me take a few photos of your beautiful baby girl!


Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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