Sunday, November 16, 2008


One of the things I love most about taking pictures is that I know one day I'll look back at all of the little moments I've caught with my camera and be so grateful to have a permanent memory of it all-- the people, the events... everything.

These little kiddos I'm lucky enough to be "auntie" to will only be little for a short time. They grow and change so quickly...

I already don't really remember exactly what it was like to hold Natalie when she was a baby. When little ones change over time you don't notice it everyday-- then all of a sudden the baby is a toddler and they seem so grown up... And I'm trying to brace myself because that is only going to get worse!

With my nieces and nephews, I try to remember them exactly as little babies but I really can't do it very well without pictures- I even have trouble doing it with the twins who are just 5 months old but who have changed just a ton since they were born.

That's one great thing about photos. If in a few years I think about it and have a hard time picturing what Natalie looked like at 2 years old, I love that I have pictures like this to bring back the memory, because her sweetness is worth remembering!


Katie Smith November 17, 2008 at 11:51 AM  

She is darn cute! I can't believe how much she looks like her Mommy!

Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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