Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Horizons

In the past 6 months, I've had so much fun learning and growing at this photography stuff... I'm so absolutely grateful to all of the wonderful people who have been kind enough to let me take pictures for them! So far, I've been fortunate to take some family pictures and lots and lots and LOTS of pictures of gorgeous little ones!!

As I continue to grow and learn in this photography thing, I hope to expand on the types of sessions I am doing~ although I definitely, DEFINITELY want to keep taking pictures of families and babies, I promise! But besides baby sessions, I have a few new things coming up, including a senior session, an engagement session, and even a wedding... I hope to also someday do a maternity session (definitely something I've always wanted to do!).

And what's REALLY fun is that this month I was lucky enough to get to do another type of session that I've always wanted to do... a "boudoir" session. If you're not crazy into photography you might not know what that means, and I won't go into too much detail because this post is already super-long, but it's basically a shoot that women do~ usually as a surprise for their sweetheart~ that shows them feeling beautiful and sexy and also--- COMPLETELY classy!! Boudoir shoots are tasteful and fun and I had so much fun doing my first one that I would absolutely love to do more!!

****I am going to post a few pictures from the shoot, so I'll use a warning I've seen on boudoir sites: if you are offended by pictures of women in swimsuits, DON'T look any further on this blog!! I really thought a lot about whether to post some photos from the session on my blog~ I definitely don't want to offend people who are easily offended~ but I decided that it's important to me that people know all the different types of photography I am hoping to do, so I'm going to go ahead and post some and I'm really excited to show off my work!

So! Here are two pictures from the session... I completely respect the privacy of the lovely lady in the pictures so I won't show any face shots (even though they were GORGEOUS!!), but she did give me permission to post a few shots.

Sooooo pretty. And again, it was so much fun! If you are at all interested in doing a boudoir session or if you have any questions about them, shoot me an email!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Triplets {6 Months}... Part Two

Here are some more pictures of the triplets~

{Baby A}

{Baby B}

{Baby C}

{Baby B}

{Baby A}

{Baby C} ...look! You can see her little chompers coming in!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the parents of the triplets for asking me to take their pictures again. The girls are just beautiful, and they're such a pleasure to photograph!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mr. Landon

Okay, this little guy is SUCH a sweetheart! He just makes my heart melt... {and yes, his brother and sister do, too}. It's amazing how three kids can be so similar and also so different! Landon has a completely unique personality, which is totally obvious~ even at 9 months old. Even my husband comments all the time on the adorable faces he makes, and you know guys~ they don't always notice stuff like that! But it's true, Landon has some awesome faces.

I took these pictures of him last Sunday and I think he's just adorable, so I had to share...

And this last one's pretty great, and literally makes my husband giggle out loud EVERY time he sees it...!! Don't you love it!?!?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Triplets {6 Months}... Part One

About six months ago, a couple of friends {and friends of friends} were sweet enough to ask me to take pictures of their children. Prior to that, I had only taken pictures of family members, so I was super excited (and also extreeeeeeemely nervous!).

The mom of the triplets was one of those first moms, and I was so thrilled to get to take pictures of her beautiful girls!! That was back in September, and it's so hard to believe the triplets are 6 months old already!! And what's even harder for me to believe is that I've taken pictures of them three times now.

I'm so honored.

{To see their other pictures, click here, and here, and here. }

I've decided to post a bunch of the pictures from their session last weekend, so I'm going to do it in two separate posts, so check back!

The girls are completely and totally adorable. Enjoy!! Also, I tried to label the pictures with Baby A, B, or C, but Baby B and Baby C look sooo much a like, I don't promise I have them right. We changed around babies during the shoot depending on their mood, too, so I couldn't really go in a certain order with the pictures or judge by the color of the bumbo seat, either. So, I labelled them with my best guess...

{Baby C}

{Baby A}

{Baby B}

{Baby C}

{Baby A}

{Baby C}

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Still to Come...

... more pics of this cutie and her two sisters!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Triplets Are 6 Months Old!

I took pictures of the triplets on Saturday! I'll post a few more of their pictures tomorrow, but I wanted to post this one tonight because they are so cute! Aren't they getting soooooo big!?!?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Guess Who Was Here?

The twins were at my house today!!

I will definitely post more pictures of them.... soon!! I have a LONG line of pictures waiting to be processed, so they'll have to wait their turn :)

{And by the way, I will never get sick of super-close close ups!!}

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Our house is right by the Wissota State Park, and we see deer all the time when we're driving by it or going for walks, etc. Yesterday when I was almost home, I saw a deer cross the road, so I took the opporunity to grab my new zoom lens and I tried to get a picture before the deer ran off. The lens is really heavy and it's hard for me to hold it up and focus without shaking, so it's hard to get a steady, clear picture... I've decided I'm going to start lifting weights and try to get stronger so I can hold it better!

Still a pretty deer, though.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Grandma's Birthday

A few weeks ago, we got together at Katie's to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday. I took some pictures of the twins, who were of course there to celebrate Grandma's birthday and wow us all with how big they're getting! When these were taken, they were just a week or two shy of being 9 months old.

And Katie posted a few more of the pictures I took on her family blog, too. Click here to check out her blog!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Candy & A Cutie Pie

Saturday I got to take pictures of this little cutie pie...

She was super sweet, she sang me some adorable/silly songs and we talked a lot about candy, which is totally one of the best things you can talk about!

{PS- Yes, I tried a little bit of a "washed" look on a few of the photos... I like it!}

Thanks so much to her mom for asking me to take photos!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Working On...

... pictures from a session yesterday with this little sweetheart!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Just want to share a recent photo of Peyton, one of my favorite people to take pictures of!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just Because

Andy brought home flowers for me on Friday, "just because."

To me, there's no better reason. Love it...! Love him.

Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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