Monday, September 29, 2008


I wanted to share a few more of the pictures I took of the triplets last week. Here they are together...

And here is a family picture... Seriously, they are such a BEAUTIFUL family (and I'm not just saying that!).

They have a theme going with "ABC", so I'm pretty sure I have this right:

Baby "A":

Baby "B":

Baby "C":

And here's a totally precious picture that I just had to post (hope you don't mind, dad!):

They're such little peanuts (I know, that's my favorite word for little babies)-- you can really tell when you look at her size compared to dad's hands. It's just incredible. I might have the exact date wrong, but I'm pretty sure they were 15 days old when I took these pictures...

So, a big thank you to the girls' mom and dad for letting me take pictures of the family... I have my fingers crossed that I'll get to do it again sometime!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Family Shots

I'm finally ready to post a few of the pictures I took for my friend, Dawn!

Here's a picture of the family together... did I mention how great they are?

The kids were definitely willing to let me snap some pictures of them, which I totally appreciated...

The light at this time of evening was just PERFECT for pictures...

A family picture just isn't a "family picture" without the family pet!!

I love these pictures, too. The kids were so much fun! I love that they would make goofy faces at me...

And they were so excited about getting pictures taken on the tractor!

I'm so grateful to Dawn for asking me to take pictures of her family. I absolutely LOVED their home- they have a huge, fun yard with so many different places to take pictures... It was amazing! And, the view from their house was beautiful-- I hear it's absolutely incredible when the leaves turn! Hopefully I'll be there again to snap some pictures of that, too. So cool.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Little Miracles

I took pictures tonight of three of the sweetest little miracles you can imagine... newborn triplets!

They were so precious! Tiny little bundles in pink and white... I'm so glad to have gotten the chance to take a few pictures of them. They are just perfect. Perfect little miracles...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Goodnight, Jayden!

My plan for tonight was to TRY to snap a few pictures of Jayden... I say try because lately it has not been an easy thing for me to do! However, it can't be helped when three-year-olds don't get a nap at day care and then fall asleep in the car on the way home and probably won't wake up until tomorrow... what can you do?

So, here's a picture I took of Jayden a few weeks ago...

I told Katie I want a rain check for next week... I just love pictures of Jayden, so it's worth rescheduling!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Autumn & Ambrea

Okay, I am finally ready to post a few more of the pictures from my shoot with Autumn & Ambrea!

Here they are, in no particular order (like they say on Dancing With The Stars, which I'm watching right now!)

Here's a few personality shots!

So, thanks again girls for letting me take tons of pictures of you! You are both fabulous!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

My First Family Shoot

Oh my goodness, I just got home from spending some time with one of the neatest families! It was the first time I've taken family pictures for someone, and it couldn't have been a more beautiful mid-September evening...

I work with Dawn, and this is a picture of her three awesome, adorable kids:

The kids were tons of fun, and exceptionally cooperative-- this was quite different from trying to shoot pictures of babies and toddlers! I can't say enough nice things about my experience tonight, and I'm really excited to dive into getting this family's pictures ready. I will absolutely post more pictures from tonight's shoot as soon as I can-- which, unfortunately might not be for a while given that things are crazy-busy for the next month! But hopefully soon...

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sweet Little Girls

I got to hang out with Natalie for a few hours last night... it's got me thinking a lot tonight about sweet little girls that grow up way too fast!

I love having nieces and nephews. It's awesome to watch them grow and change-- I just wish they wouldn't have to do it quite so quickly. They're so fun just the way they are...! (But then again I've ALWAYS had an issue with my younger relatives growing up too fast, right Mom?)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Sneak Peek

I am having fun going through and editing the pictures I took of Autumn and Ambrea on Saturday! Eventually I will be posting a big group of their pictures-- the girls are just awesome and it really shows in their pictures. But--- with being really busy, it can be pretty slow going with the editing process, so it might be a little bit before I get them officially ready for my blog. In the meantime, here is a sneak peak:



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blurry Pictures

I've been doing this blog for six weeks now, and for that entire six weeks, I've been irritated that my pictures tend to be blurry when I post them, even though they aren't when I look at them in my editing program.

I've kind of ignored the problem until today, and I am now *extremely happy* to report that I have figured out what I was doing wrong (with help!), and from this point forward I shouldn't have any blurry photos on my blog! (Unless I'm purposefully posting a blurry picture to be artistic or as part of a blog challenge, etc).

So, I've fixed all of the postings that were posted in September, and I plan to fix all of them eventually--- I just can't stand having blurry pictures on here when I know they were never blurry to begin with! Now that I know how to fix it, I just can't leave the old ones the way they are... It's incredible how much better the photos look now! And this is how they've always looked in my editing program, so I'm happy to finally be able to really show you guys what they really do look like (and not just show you a slightly blurry version). That makes me really happy.

Here's a picture I took in Hawaii (since I can't post without a picture!!)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Rain or Shine

Last Saturday I had plans with one of my best friends to take some pictures of her two daughters, Autumn and Ambrea... just for fun, "no pressure pictures" (the very, very best kind!!).

Of course, I woke up to rain and it sprinkled most of the morning. However, we decided that a little yucky weather wasn't going to keep us inside, so we headed out and despite the on-and-off rain, the girls were absolutely fabulous-- such good sports!!

In fact, we were out and about for several hours. Guess what that means!?!? TONS AND TONS of pictures...!! I love it! I'm incredibly excited to post the pictures, but I'm going to have to spend the next week or so getting them all edited and ready to go. (Yes, it will seriously take that long, but I'm going to love every minute of it!).

So check back soon for some more pics of these awesome girls!! Thanks Autumn and Ambrea for not letting a little rain spoil the fun!!

A Cute Little Peanut

I was lucky to have the opportunity to take some pictures last weekend of this cute little peanut....

She's 4 months old, and has a beautiful head of dark hair!!

Now, keep in mind, I'm still learning all this stuff (and teaching myself as I go, which isn't easy!)

I am not a professional photographer, nor anything close to that... I don't have any fancy equipment other than my camera and photo-editing software and a few fuzzy pieces of fabric to lay little ones on. (I do, however, have a photography-related wish list that is seriously A MILE LONG!!)

So, that said, it's really great to have friends and family that will let me practice some skills on their children! I feel like I learn something every single time I take pictures, so each experience is completely valuable.

Thanks, Sara, for letting me take a few photos of your beautiful baby girl!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Answer to My Blog Challenge #2

So here's the answer to my second "Blog Challenge"....

Loved this picture of Natalie, HATED the horrible vent thing on the wall behind her. Check it out in the original pic:

So, needless to say it was much improved with a little time in Photoshop. Love that program!!! But it's totally scary, so I'm learning it a little bit at a time.

Here's the "After" once again...

So much better!! So, thanks so much to those of you who took a look at it and made a guess (and thanks for the couple of you who were brave enough to leave comments, I love it!).

Will definitely post another one sometime soon....

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

3 Months Old...

I can hardly believe it, but Peyton and Landon were born 3 months ago already...!! They've grown a ton and are really starting to show their personalities more. Here's a few pictures I took of them last night...

The first two pictures are of Landon:

And these are pictures of Peyton:

See? They're both adorable, but they look totally different. So excited to watch them grow into little, individual people!

PS- Check back soon for the answer to my second blog challenge, and also watch for some new faces to appear on my blog soon!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Appreciation

Did you know that taking a "picture perfect" photo of an almost 3-year-old is really, really, REALLY hard to do?

I'm still missing the Jayden that didn't mind my camera...!! Now I get a (still very adorable) Jayden who looks at me like I'm crazy the second I suggest she show me her beautiful smile and I'm holding a camera. I have the hardest time catching her at just the right time, and I have even more respect than ever for people who try to elicit smiles out of these little sweethearts everyday because their job depends on it!!

Holy cow, what a challenge! (She's still cute, though!!)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Holy Rainbow!

As I was walking one of my piano students out tonight, she said to me, "It's raining and it's sunny-- I'll bet there's a rainbow!"

And boy was she right!

Can you see the second rainbow in this picture?

It was absolutely beautiful- the pictures don't even remotely do it justice! It honestly went from one end of the world to the other without breaking, and there was a second, more faded one just outside of it. It was so big, I couldn't fit the whole thing in my camera's viewfinder no matter where I moved--- I was wishing more than ever that I had a wide-angle lens (it's a lens that would have gotten more into the scene than this one did-- I probably could have gotten the entire rainbow in from end to end). Oh well, add that to the never-ending wish list!!

Without a doubt, this was the best rainbow I've ever seen...

PS-- Still thinking about my second blog challenge? Stay tuned for the answer... I'm not giving it away yet!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Challenge #2

Here are some more pictures of Natalie from a few weeks ago...

Here's one that I posted in my Top Ten for August, but it hadn't been posted before that so I think it deserves getting officially posted (again)... I love this picture!

Okay, so here's my second "Blog Challenge", and as promised, it's tougher than last time! Once again, let's revisit "photo editing fun"!!

In the picture above with Natalie and her coloring book, there was something in the picture initially that I felt was absolutely necessary to try to "Photoshop out" for the final picture.

Any guesses what I edited out? You can post a comment with your guess if you'd like, or just try to come up with something on your own (I know most of you are shy about leaving comments, and that's okay!).

So this is just for fun... See if you can come up with some good ideas!! I'll post the answer sometime next week.

Have a nice weekend!!

Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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