I'm a total sucker for a pretty flower... probably because I can't grow them. This is another one, courtesy of Corey.
I'm a total sucker for a pretty flower... probably because I can't grow them. This is another one, courtesy of Corey.
Labels: Flowers
Ever since this girl decided she didn't care to be around auntie's camera, she's shown up on my blog waaaay to infrequently. Happy to share another picture of her now... and I can't believe she's about to have her fourth birthday! She's growing up way too fast!
Labels: Jayden, Katie's Family, Portraits
Just spent an extended weekend at this beautiful cabin in Winter, WI.
Isn't it beautiful? It's on it's own little island in the middle of a lake. I loved it! More pictures soon....
Labels: Scenery
Hello there...! I haven't been around too much on this blog lately, and I'm sorry! My photo blog has taken a bit of a backseat for the moment while I work on some big changes in my life (all really, really good ones, don't worry!). Will definitely be back soon with some super-good stuff.
Did you guys happen to see this rainbow last Thursday night?
Don't tell, but I was totally driving on Highway 53 going about 72mph when this rainbow (and a faint one behind it) appeared... I reached over, grabbed my camera out of it's bag, got my settings all set, and did a few things I won't say because it probably wasn't too safe and got this photo. What can I say... Rainbows like this just don't happen very often!!
Labels: Scenery
I'm really late in posting the answer to my Blog Challenge #4... sorry! First, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the few brave souls who gave it a shot. You rock!!
The answers that I think are true are numbers 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10.
I put the wonderful commenters names in a hat and drew one out... and the winner is Brooke!! Thanks, Brooke, for playing along!! Your fabulous prize will be on it's way to you :)
And I can't post without a photo, so here's a picture from this weekend. This is my sweet niece, Natalie, exercising her camera skills (which of course I just LOVED every second of!!).
Labels: Blog Challenges, Natalie
July 2009 Top Ten... fun stuff! This marks a full year of Top Tens~ the very first one I ever did was August of 2008, so the next time I do a Top Ten, it will mark the start of the 2nd year of them for me... that's so crazy! I love it! It's such a blessing to be able to share pictures with people.
The usual disclaimer: Here is my "Top 10" list of pictures taken in July of 2009. Again, they aren't in any particular order, and there are lots of different reasons they might have made my list... Some I like because of things I did well technically, some I like because of the subject matter-- some just make me proud when I look at them, as I grow and learn at this whole photography thing.
Labels: Top Ten Lists
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