New Horizons
In the past 6 months, I've had so much fun learning and growing at this photography stuff... I'm so absolutely grateful to all of the wonderful people who have been kind enough to let me take pictures for them! So far, I've been fortunate to take some family pictures and lots and lots and LOTS of pictures of gorgeous little ones!!
As I continue to grow and learn in this photography thing, I hope to expand on the types of sessions I am doing~ although I definitely, DEFINITELY want to keep taking pictures of families and babies, I promise! But besides baby sessions, I have a few new things coming up, including a senior session, an engagement session, and even a wedding... I hope to also someday do a maternity session (definitely something I've always wanted to do!).
And what's REALLY fun is that this month I was lucky enough to get to do another type of session that I've always wanted to do... a "boudoir" session. If you're not crazy into photography you might not know what that means, and I won't go into too much detail because this post is already super-long, but it's basically a shoot that women do~ usually as a surprise for their sweetheart~ that shows them feeling beautiful and sexy and also--- COMPLETELY classy!! Boudoir shoots are tasteful and fun and I had so much fun doing my first one that I would absolutely love to do more!!
****I am going to post a few pictures from the shoot, so I'll use a warning I've seen on boudoir sites: if you are offended by pictures of women in swimsuits, DON'T look any further on this blog!! I really thought a lot about whether to post some photos from the session on my blog~ I definitely don't want to offend people who are easily offended~ but I decided that it's important to me that people know all the different types of photography I am hoping to do, so I'm going to go ahead and post some and I'm really excited to show off my work!
So! Here are two pictures from the session... I completely respect the privacy of the lovely lady in the pictures so I won't show any face shots (even though they were GORGEOUS!!), but she did give me permission to post a few shots.
Sooooo pretty. And again, it was so much fun! If you are at all interested in doing a boudoir session or if you have any questions about them, shoot me an email!!