Bob Marley
I am a music lover, but to be honest~ reggae music is really not my thing. A week ago, I don't think I could have even told you the name of ONE Bob Marley song... is that bizarre? But now, thanks to this little sweetheart, I know there is a Bob Marley song that has something to do with "every little thing, gonna be alright..."
This is just a sneak peak of my session with her... there will be LOTS more to come from this session! But, I'm still behind and I have quite a workload right now, so to be honest I just picked a random picture from her session and got that ready for the blog, just so her mom can see something and {hopefully} look forward to seeing the rest of the photos. So, please stay tuned!
This photo melts my heart - that is one adorable little girl. Great image Kristen!!!
This picture just makes you want to know what she's thinking?????
Sweet little cupcake with icing! You just want to eat her up! Super!
look at how cute my lil' peanut is?! ok, so she isn't mine but darn i want her! can't wait to see the rest sista, love you! :)
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