Friday, October 31, 2008

October 2008 Top Ten

It's time again for my monthly "Top Ten" list! (Has it really been a month already since my last one? WOW!)

October was different for me as far as pictures go- because of the fall season and the absolutely gorgeous colors, I took a lot of pictures that I love that didn't have any people in them. That's okay with me- I love to appreciate the beauty around us in all kinds of different forms. I hope everyone took a moment at some point in the last few weeks and did some "appreciating" of their own!

The usual disclaimer: Here is my "Top 10" list of pictures taken in October of 2008. Again, they aren't in any particular order, and there are lots of different reasons they might have made my list... Some I like because of things I did well technically, some I like because of the subject matter-- some just make me proud when I look at them, as I grow and learn at this whole photography thing.

So, here they are (and two of them haven't been posted before now):


Anonymous November 7, 2008 at 5:01 PM  

Hi, had lunch with Aunt Sue today and she commented on how great your fall pictures are....we'd both like to know where the waterfall is?????? She says Hi! by the way.....

Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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