Thursday, August 14, 2008


I absolutely LOOOOOOVE having nieces! They're totally cute, and these two have the most fun personalities EVER.

When I took this picture, we were at a park in Eau Claire listening to live music... Natalie loves to dance, and it's so adorable-- it always makes me laugh. Jayden wasn't quite so sure what was going on when we were there that night, but she dances with me when I'm singing in the car on the days I pick her up from daycare (or "school"). I totally love that...

PS--- Perhaps you're shy about posting a comment to my "Challenge" post (which is fine), but check it out if you haven't looked at it yet... I will be posting a follow-up about it soon!

Another PS--- I haven't had a chance yet to try to figure out why some of the pictures show up a little fuzzy when I post them (I promise they're not fuzzy at all!)... I will get to that soon.


Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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