Friday, August 15, 2008

Weekend Away

I'm headed out for an extended weekend with my husband and his family... you know what that means!?!? TONS AND TONS AND TONS of PICTURE TAKING!!!

Be sure to check back mid-next week... I'll be with 4 of the 5 most photogenic people in the world- my two nieces and my twin nephews (the other being my sister!). Add their beautiful parents to the mix, plus my gorgeous husband, and I'll be in photo-heaven! I'm hoping to snag a good photo or two of my in-laws as well-- we'll see how long it takes for someone to take my camera and throw it in a lake!!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!! And of course I can't have a post on a "photo blog" that doesn't include a picture, right?

This was taken when Peyton & Landon were three weeks old (around the 4th of July)...


Kristen Olson's Photo Blog

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